by Ann E. Lundy

We met Maggie Rosamond on the baseball fields.  Our boys play baseball together.  It was at one of the baseball games when Josh went flipping by that Maggie suggested Josh should give Studio 413 a try.  He had just turned seven.

Josh had been doing gymnastics for several years at this point, and he loved it.  I knew, however, that he would love dance even more.  Even before he joined Studio413 he was constantly dancing – be it dancing in line waiting for a gymnastics turn, dancing at his brothers ball games or dancing at school on recess.  Just always moving, shaking, flipping, turning, leaping.

But, I was hesitant.  In gymnastics, Josh was with a group of boys that were all united by the love of the sport.  Dance would be different.  Josh would be the only boy.  THE. ONLY. ONE.  He was too young, too tender, too precious to take on the enormous burden of being the only one.  Would he be accepted?  What if the kids are mean to him?  He can dance when he is older.  For now, he needs to be protected from all the ugly that can come from being THE ONLY ONE.

Except.  There was no ugly.  There was only absolute joy and acceptance from the most beautiful dancing souls you could ever imagine.

Trey, my husband, decided that Josh would give Studio 413 a try.  And, in Trey’s wonderful way, he signed him up and took him to dance class.  And, man-o-man did he dance, and made friends, and found his passion.

Josh has been dancing for over three years now.  I will never forget his first performance during the recital at University of Memphis.  At the end of the recital, Trey and I looked at each other and just laughed and laughed.  Who is that kid up there dancing his heart out and having the time of his life!  He came alive on stage and we were so proud of him.

I get nervous every time he performs but I know he has a support system at Studio 413 that rivals any football team.  I also know these dancers are as dedicated and hard-working as any ball team.  Josh spends hours in the studio learning the dance skills and even more hours at home practicing the skills.  I am certain that given the opportunity he would move into the studio for even more time to practice.  The grit that these kids are learning through dance will carry them far in life.  Laser focused through it all.

I will forever be grateful for that day on the baseball field.  The love and acceptance we have experienced at Studio 413 is one of the most precious gifts our family has received.